How to Calculate Hydraulic Cylinder Pull Force with Calculator

$rd = $pd = $pc = $OKVA = $NKVA= $temp= $temp1= $temp3 = $temp2 = $temp6 = 1 ;

if(isset($_POST[‘submit’])) //is-set function, when ever submit button is clicked this function executes
$rd = $_POST[‘RD’]; //assigning values from Form to valiables
$pd = $_POST[‘PD’];
$pc = $_POST[‘PC’];

unset($_POST[‘submit’]); //unsetting Submit button

$temp1 = pow($rd,2);
$temp7 = pow($pd,2);
$temp = $temp7-$temp1;
$temp8 = 3.14*$temp;
$temp9 = $temp8/4;

$OKVA = $temp9*$pc;


How to Calculate Hydraulic Cylinder Pull Force with Calculator

Select Unit Inch
Rod Diameter  in
Piston Diameter  in
Pressure in Cylinder  lff / in2 (psi)


Rod Pull Force = 

[insert_php] echo $OKVA; [/insert_php]lb