Binary To Decimal Conversion in DLD Digital Logic Design

How to convert binary number to decimal number?

Step 1: Start from right most bit.

Step 2: Multiply the right most bit with 2 and 2 is assigned with poswer 0. e.g; 20

Step 3: Now move to left bits one by one. Value of power is incremented on after each one bit.

Example 1:

Convert the 110101 into its equivalent decimal number system.


1101012  = (1*25)+(1*24)+(0*23)+(1*22)+(0*21)+(1*20)

= 32  +  16   +  0   +  4  +  0   +  1

= 53

Example 2:

Convert the 110101 into its equivalent decimal number system.


1100112  = (1*25)+(1*24)+(0*23)+(0*22)+(1*21)+(1*20)

= 32  +  16   +  0   +  0  +  2   +  1

= 51