Frequent pattern Mining, Closed frequent itemset, max frequent itemset in data mining

Frequent pattern 

The frequent pattern is a pattern that occurs again and again (frequently) in a dataset.

A pattern can be a set of items, substructures, and subsequences etc.

Closed frequent itemset

If itemset has no superset with the same frequency, then the itemset is called Closed frequent itemset.

Max frequent itemset

If itemset does not have any frequent supersets, then the itemset is called Max frequent itemset.

Examples of  Frequent pattern, Closed frequent itemset, and Max frequent itemset

It is compulsory to set a min_support that can defines which itemset is frequent. An itemset is frequent if its support is greater or equal to  min_support. Suppose the minimum support is 1 and there are two transactions T1 and T2

T1 = {A1, A2, A3, ……………….A19, A20}

T2 = {A1, A2, A3, …….A9, A10}

Set of closed frequent itemset / Closed pattern :

T1 = {A1, A2, A3, ……………….A19, A20}

 T2 = {A1, A2, A3, …….A9, A10}

Set of max frequent itemset / max pattern :

T1 = {A1, A2, A3, ……………….A19, A20}

T1 is representing the max pattern.

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